Thursday, May 28, 2015

Photos From 2014 Small Penis Competition ADULTS ONLY

Anyone looking for an opportunity to humiliate a friend can do so by nominating them via, which is a website that does exactly what it says it does. And since there appears to be a shortage of small penises in Brooklyn somehow, they'll be accepting video submissions from around the world this year—winners win $500, a crown and sash, and the opportunity to air their literal shortcomings on the Internet.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Finding Your Perfect Condom Size In Three Fast Steps

Ok, after the write-up on the new type of  deadly type of gonorrhea (if you missed it, CLICK). A reader called my attention to also educate on the sizes of condoms so that people will have no reason to say "I don't wrap up because blah blah blah". Well, if you must know, condoms do come in different sizes.

For one to get their right size here are a few things they will need to put into consideration;

While condoms should feel snug and secure, they should never feel too loose OR too tight (or ever cause discomfort) those are indicators you are using the wrong size.